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Most of college students love to use this tools including me. It is soo much fun to use this online software. Its also really friendly user.

Using Prezi, you can create a visual classroom without succumbing to death by PowerPoint. Its interactive features, zooming display, and creative options will enable your visual lessons to engage students without distracting them from lesson objectives. With all those bells and whistles, Prezi might sound complicated, but it’s actually quite simple to use. Read on, and I’ll show you how to use this innovative tool.

What is Prezi?

Before we look at how to get started with Prezi, let me explain what exactly it is. Like PowerPoint and Keynote, Prezi is presentational software — but that’s where the similarities end. Prezi is Flash-based and enables you to “fly” through content, meaning you can zoom directly to the topic you wish to cover without flipping through several unrelated slides. With Prezi, you can embed articles, videos, images, and other multimedia without worrying about poor Internet connections or bad links.
